Résumé de Leçon: Introduction au Droit Anglais

Résumé de Leçon: Introduction au Droit Anglais

Résumé de Leçon: Introduction au Droit Anglais
Résumé de Leçon: Introduction au Droit Anglais

Ce résumé de leçon se concentre sur l'introduction au langage juridique et les types de textes légaux. Les étudiants apprendront les fondamentaux du droit, y compris le vocabulaire et la reconnaissance des documents juridiques tels que les contrats, les statuts d'entreprise, et les actes juridiques. Les activités pratiques comprennent des quiz et des QCM sur Moodle pour renforcer la compréhension et l'application des concepts étudiés. Ce format condensé offre une vue d'ensemble des principaux sujets et compétences à acquérir.

From the lengthy text provided, the necessary definitions and content that could be extracted for a concise summary include:


1. The study of law offers a variety of careers and requires understanding core and elective subjects that are essential for legal practice.

2. Law degree programs in the UK and USA typically take three years and cover subjects like criminal law, contract law, and legal writing.

3. Practical experience in legal practice can be gained through courses offered by universities and involvement in law clinics.

4. For commercial legal practice, language skills, particularly in English, are crucial.

5. Company law is defined by the Companies Acts of 1985 and 1989, with specific documentation required for company formation, including the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.

6. Legal documents vary from formal instruments granting rights, such as deeds and wills, to pleadings in litigation and standard business documents.

7. The execution of legal tasks involves obtaining background information from clients and drafting documents typically from templates.

8. Legal writings must adhere to certain physical and mechanical rules regarding paper type, font, margins, and spacing, with special components like captions, signatures, and notarization spaces.

**Memorandum of Association (MOA):**


- Contains company name, nature of activities, and share capital.

- Defines the company's objectives and powers.

- Required for company formation.


**Articles of Association (AOA):**


- Sets rules for company conduct.

- Governs members and officers' behavior.

- Covers matters like meetings, share transfers, and director powers.


**Form 10:**


- Standard form for officer details.

- Requires at least one director and one secretary.

- Includes the company's registered office address.


**Form 12:**


- Standard form certifying legal compliance.

- Must be signed by a promoter or officer.

- Submitted to the Registrar of Companies for registration.


**Certificate of Incorporation:**


- Issued by the registrar upon registration.

- Marks the company's official existence.

- Further legal obligations include annual accounts filing at Companies House.


**Types of Legal Documents:**


1. **Instruments:** Formal documents granting rights (e.g., Deeds, Wills, Mortgages).

2. **Pleading:** Formal statements in litigation (e.g., Complaints, Answers).

3. **Document:** Permanent media relevant to legal issues (e.g., Police reports, Letters).


**Other Legal Documents:**


- **Contract:** Any written agreement.

- **Deed:** Transfers real estate interests.

- **Business Documents:** Articles of incorporation, bylaws, partnership agreements.

- **Will/Codicil:** Legal gifts after death.

- **Trust:** Property held for beneficiaries.


**Obtaining Background Information:**


- Collect client information (family, finance, employment, health, relevant documents).

- Gather data for civil actions if applicable.


**Where to Get Forms:**


- Find templates from previous work, commercial forms producers, or online sources.

- Ensure compliance with court rules if applicable.


**General Form of Legal Writings:**


- Follow paper, ink, and formatting rules, especially for court submissions.

- Check court circulars for guidelines.

- Ask the court clerk when in doubt.


**Special Components of Legal Documents:**


- Include caption, heading, signature space, notarization where needed.

- Space for attorney's signature in court filings.



- Use ALL CAPS for names, titles, important paragraph headers.

- Maintain correct grammar and spelling.

- Write numbers in both English and Arabic formats.

- Number pages accordingly (first page excluded).


**Pre-printed Forms:*


- Some tasks may require specific court or agency forms.

- Fill them electronically if available.

- If not, use a typewriter or neat print.

- Insert "N/A" or "0" if necessary.

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