1. Which sentence correctly uses the first conditional?

a) If it rains, we will stay indoors.
b) If it rained, we will stay indoors.
c) If it rains, we stayed indoors.
d) If it rained, we would stay indoors.

2. Identify the sentence that uses the past perfect tense.

a) I have completed my homework.
b) I had completed my homework before dinner.
c) I completed my homework yesterday.
d) I will complete my homework tonight.

3. Which of the following is a compound sentence?

a) She studied hard for the exam.
b) She studied hard, so she passed the exam.
c) Although she studied hard, she didn’t pass the exam.
d) She passed the exam because she studied hard.

4. Choose the correct sentence.

a) He don't like coffee.
b) He doesn't likes coffee.
c) He doesn't like coffee.
d) He don't likes coffee.

5. Which sentence uses the third conditional?

a) If I had known, I would have told you.
b) If I know, I will tell you.
c) If I know, I would tell you.
d) If I knew, I would have told you.

6. Identify the verb in the following sentence: "She has been singing all day."

a) She
b) Singing
c) Has been
d) All

7. Which of the following is a complex sentence?

a) I like tea and coffee.
b) I like tea, but I don't like coffee.
c) I like tea because it's refreshing.
d) I like tea; coffee is too strong for me.

8. Choose the sentence that correctly uses the modal verb "could."

a) She could sings beautifully.
b) She could sing beautifully if she practiced.
c) She could sung beautifully if she practices.
d) She could sing beautifully when she will practice.

9. Which sentence is in the passive voice?

a) The cake was eaten by the children.
b) The children are eating the cake.
c) The children will eat the cake.
d) The children have eaten the cake.

10. Which sentence is an example of a conditional type 2?

a) If I study hard, I will pass the exam.
b) If I studied hard, I would pass the exam.
c) If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam.
d) If I study hard, I would pass the exam.

1. Which sentence correctly uses the first conditional?

Answer: a) If it rains, we will stay indoors.

2. Identify the sentence that uses the past perfect tense.

Answer: b) I had completed my homework before dinner.

3. Which of the following is a compound sentence?

Answer: b) She studied hard, so she passed the exam.

4. Choose the correct sentence.

Answer: c) He doesn't like coffee.

5. Which sentence uses the third conditional?

Answer: a) If I had known, I would have told you.

6. Identify the verb in the following sentence: "She has been singing all day."

Answer: c) Has been

7. Which of the following is a complex sentence?

Answer: c) I like tea because it's refreshing.

8. Choose the sentence that correctly uses the modal verb "could."

Answer: b) She could sing beautifully if she practiced.

9. Which sentence is in the passive voice?

Answer: a) The cake was eaten by the children.

10. Which sentence is an example of a conditional type 2?

Answer: b) If I studied hard, I would pass the exam.

English Grammar QCM

1. Which of the following sentences is a first conditional?

a) If it rains, we would stay inside.
b) If she studies hard, she will pass the exam.
c) If I were you, I would apologize.
d) If they had known, they would have helped.

2. Which sentence uses the past perfect tense correctly?

a) She have gone to the market.
b) By the time we arrived, he had left.
c) They was watching TV.
d) I am doing my homework.

3. Identify the correct sentence structure:

a) Me and him are going to the store.
b) Him and I went to the store.
c) He and I went to the store.
d) I and he went to the store.

4. Which of the following sentences is a second conditional?

a) If I had seen her, I would have told her.
b) If you eat too much, you will get sick.
c) If he were taller, he could reach the shelf.
d) If she calls, tell her I’m busy.

5. Which is the correct form of the verb in the sentence: "She ___ a new car last week."

a) buy
b) buys
c) bought
d) buying

6. What type of sentence is this: "Can you help me with this?"

a) Declarative
b) Imperative
c) Interrogative
d) Exclamatory

7. Which of the following is a correct sentence?

a) She don't like pizza.
b) He doesn't like pizza.
c) They doesn't like pizza.
d) We doesn't like pizza.

8. Which of the following sentences is in the present continuous tense?

a) She writes a letter.
b) They were writing a letter.
c) She is writing a letter.
d) They have written a letter.

9. Identify the sentence that uses a modal verb correctly:

a) She can sings well.
b) He might be late.
c) They should to go now.
d) I must to leave early.

10. Which sentence is a third conditional?

a) If I knew the answer, I would tell you.
b) If they win the game, they will celebrate.
c) If I had known, I would have told you.
d) If it rains, the match will be canceled.

11. Which sentence uses the passive voice correctly?

a) The letter wrote by her.
b) The cake was baked by him.
c) They are painting the house.
d) She buys a new dress.

12. Choose the sentence that correctly uses the past simple tense:

a) I have go to the store.
b) She is went to school.
c) They was playing football.
d) He walked to work.

13. Which of the following sentences is imperative?

a) What time is it?
b) Please close the door.
c) He runs fast.
d) They are happy.

14. Which is the correct form of the verb in the sentence: "He ___ to the party yesterday."

a) go
b) goes
c) gone
d) went

15. Which of these sentences is a correct example of a zero conditional?

a) If water boils, it turns into steam.
b) If you studied, you would pass.
c) If she had known, she would have come.
d) If it rains, I will stay home.

16. Choose the correct sentence:

a) She is go to school.
b) She goes to school.
c) She going to school.
d) She to go school.

17. Which of the following sentences is a complex sentence?

a) I like coffee.
b) She sings and dances.
c) When he arrived, the show had already started.
d) We were tired, but we continued working.

18. Identify the correct sentence:

a) There are much books on the table.
b) There is many books on the table.
c) There are many books on the table.
d) There is much books on the table.

19. Which is the correct form of the verb in the sentence: "They ___ a new house last year."

a) buy
b) buys
c) buying
d) bought

20. Which sentence correctly uses a conditional?

a) If you will work hard, you will succeed.
b) If you work hard, you will succeed.
c) If you work hard, you would succeed.
d) If you work hard, you succeed.

21. Choose the correct sentence:

a) I can to swim.
b) I can swimming.
c) I can swim.
d) I can swims.

22. Which of the following sentences is in the future tense?

a) I went to the store.
b) I will go to the store.
c) I am going to the store.
d) I go to the store.

23. Identify the sentence that uses the correct form of the verb:

a) She don't likes to read.
b) She doesn't likes to read.
c) She don't like to read.
d) She doesn't like to read.

24. Which of the following sentences is a correct use of a relative clause?

a) The man which you saw is my uncle.
b) The woman who you met is my sister.
c) The house who is blue is mine.
d) The book whom I borrowed is interesting.

25. Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence?

a) She went to the store because she needed milk.
b) I am tired, but I will finish my work.
c) He is running fast.
d) We went to the park.

26. Which is the correct form of the verb in the sentence: "She ___ her homework every day."

a) do
b) does
c) doing
d) did

27. Choose the correct sentence:

a) He has went to the store.
b) He has gone to the store.
c) He have gone to the store.
d) He is gone to the store.

28. Which of the following sentences is in the present perfect tense?

a) She has finished her homework.
b) They were watching a movie.
c) I will eat dinner soon.
d) He goes to school.

29. Identify the correct sentence:

a) We was at the concert last night.
b) We were at the concert last night.
c) We is at the concert last night.
d) We are at the concert last night.

30. Which sentence correctly uses a conjunction?

a) I like apples, but not oranges.
b) I like apples and oranges.
c) I like apples, oranges.
d) I like apples but oranges.

Answer Key:

  1. b
  2. b
  3. c
  4. c
  5. c
  6. c
  7. b
  8. c
  9. b
  10. c
  11. b
  12. d
  13. b
  14. d
  15. a
  16. b
  17. c
  18. c
  19. d
  20. b
  21. c
  22. b
  23. d
  24. b
  25. b
  26. b
  27. b
  28. a
  29. b
  30. b