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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. What is the main focus of economists' studies, as mentioned in the introduction? a. Small-scale decision-making b. Large-scale international policy-making c. Both a and b d. None of the above

2. According to the introduction, what is the purpose of the lecture on writing economic reports? a. To introduce economic concepts b. To help individuals think and write like an economist c. To analyze small-scale decision-making d. To compile data about the past

3. In writing impactful economic reports, what is the first step mentioned in section 2.1? a. Edit and proofread b. Structure your report logically c. Visualize your data d. Know your purpose and audience

4. What are the four main parts of a typical economic report's structure, as mentioned in section 2.2? a. Introduction, analysis, summary, conclusion b. Executive summary, introduction, body, conclusion c. Purpose, audience, content, tone d. Data, analysis, evidence, recommendation

5. What is the recommended approach for language use in economic reports, according to section 2.3? a. Use jargon and acronyms to sound professional b. Employ long sentences to convey complex ideas c. Use clear and concise language d. Avoid providing definitions for unfamiliar terms

6. According to section 2.4, what is the significance of data visualization in economic reports? a. It adds complexity to the report b. It makes the report longer c. It communicates data in a more engaging and understandable way d. It is optional and can be skipped

7. What is the final step in writing an economic report, as mentioned in section 2.5? a. Structure your report logically b. Visualize your data c. Edit and proofread your report d. Know your purpose and audience

8. What advice does the conclusion provide to overcome writer's block when starting to write? a. Break the paper down into smaller parts and get started on simpler tasks b. Wait for inspiration to strike before starting c. Skip the introduction and start with the body of the report d. Focus only on the most challenging sections initially

1. What is the main focus of economists' studies, as mentioned in the introduction? Correct Answer: c. Both a and b

2. According to the introduction, what is the purpose of the lecture on writing economic reports? Correct Answer: b. To help individuals think and write like an economist

3. In writing impactful economic reports, what is the first step mentioned in section 2.1? Correct Answer: d. Know your purpose and audience

4. What are the four main parts of a typical economic report's structure, as mentioned in section 2.2? Correct Answer: b. Executive summary, introduction, body, conclusion

5. What is the recommended approach for language use in economic reports, according to section 2.3? Correct Answer: c. Use clear and concise language

6. According to section 2.4, what is the significance of data visualization in economic reports? Correct Answer: c. It communicates data in a more engaging and understandable way

7. What is the final step in writing an economic report, as mentioned in section 2.5? Correct Answer: c. Edit and proofread your report

8. What advice does the conclusion provide to overcome writer's block when starting to write? Correct Answer: a. Break the paper down into smaller parts and get started on simpler tasks

Fill in the Blanks:

  1. Economists study everything from ________ and prices to child rearing and the environment.

Answer: money

  1. Before writing an economic report, it is crucial to define the ________ and ________ of your report.

Answer: purpose, audience

  1. A well-structured economic report typically consists of four main parts: an executive summary, an introduction, a ________, and a conclusion.

Answer: body

  1. Economic reports often deal with complex and technical topics, but it's important to use ________ and ________ language to convey meaning effectively.

Answer: clear, concise

  1. ________ involves checking the content, structure, and style of your report for coherence, consistency, and clarity.

Answer: Editing

  1. Data visualization in economic reports helps communicate data in a more ________ and ________ way.

Answer: engaging, understandable

  1. The final step of writing an economic report is to ________ and ________ your report for accuracy and correctness.

Answer: edit, proofread

  1. Getting started on writing can be made easier by breaking the paper down into ________ parts and tackling simpler tasks.

Answer: smaller

Table Match Activity: Match the Statements with the Correct Sections



Economists share certain assumptions about how the economy works


The executive summary provides a brief overview of the report's main findings and recommendations

Structure your report logically

Knowing your purpose and audience is essential before writing an economic report

Know your purpose and audience

Use clear and concise language in economic reports

Use clear and concise language

Data visualization in economic reports can help communicate data effectively

Visualize your data

The conclusion summarizes the main points and implications of the report

Edit and proofread your report

Getting started is often the hardest part of writing, and breaking the paper down into smaller parts can help overcome writer's block



  1. Economists share certain assumptions about how the economy works - Introduction
  2. The executive summary provides a brief overview of the report's main findings and recommendations - Structure your report logically
  3. Knowing your purpose and audience is essential before writing an economic report - Know your purpose and audience
  4. Use clear and concise language in economic reports - Use clear and concise language
  5. Data visualization in economic reports can help communicate data effectively - Visualize your data
  6. The conclusion summarizes the main points and implications of the report - Edit and proofread your report
  7. Getting started is often the hardest part of writing, and breaking the paper down into smaller parts can help overcome writer's block - Conclusion


  1. Q: What is the main focus of economists' studies, according to the introduction?
    • A: Economists study everything from money and prices to child rearing and the environment.
  2. Q: Why is it important to know your purpose and audience before writing an economic report?
    • A: Knowing your purpose and audience helps tailor your content, tone, and format to suit their needs and expectations, influencing their decisions or actions.
  3. Q: What are the four main parts of a well-structured economic report, as mentioned in section 2.2?
    • A: Executive summary, introduction, body, and conclusion.
  4. Q: What is the recommended approach for language use in economic reports, according to section 2.3?
    • A: Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon, acronyms, and long sentences.
  5. Q: Why is data visualization considered significant in economic reports?
    • A: Data visualization helps communicate data in a more engaging and understandable way, highlighting patterns or trends that may not be obvious in tables or text.
  6. Q: What is the final step in writing an economic report, according to section 2.5?
    • A: Edit and proofread your report for coherence, consistency, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting.
  7. Q: How does the conclusion advise overcoming writer's block?
    • A: The conclusion suggests breaking the paper down into smaller parts and starting with simpler tasks.
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Difficulty Levels:

  1. Easy:
    • Question 1: What is the main focus of economists' studies, according to the introduction?
  2. Moderate:
    • Question 3: What are the four main parts of a well-structured economic report, as mentioned in section 2.2?
  3. Difficult:
    • Question 5: Why is data visualization considered significant in economic reports?
