Activity 1: Simple Sentences (Beginner)

Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.

  1. Sarah ___ to school every morning.
    a) walk
    b) walks
    c) walked
  2. They ___ the movie last night.
    a) watch
    b) watched
    c) watching
  3. We ___ pizza for dinner tonight.
    a) will eat
    b) eat
    c) ate
  4. The dog ___ in the backyard.
    a) play
    b) plays
    c) playing
  5. I ___ my homework after dinner.
    a) did
    b) do
    c) doing

Activity 2: Verb Tenses (Intermediate)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. By the time you arrive, we ___ (finish) dinner.
  2. She always ___ (take) her coffee with sugar.
  3. Last summer, they ___ (travel) to France.
  4. I ___ (write) this report for two hours now.
  5. We ___ (not/see) the movie yet.

Activity 3: Conditional Sentences (Advanced)

Select the correct verb to complete the conditional sentence.

  1. If she ___ more time, she would finish the project.
    a) has
    b) had
    c) will have
  2. If I ___ you, I would accept the job offer.
    a) were
    b) am
    c) would be
  3. They would have arrived on time if they ___ earlier.
    a) left
    b) had left
    c) have left
  4. If we ___ enough money, we will buy a house next year.
    a) save
    b) will save
    c) saved
  5. If it ___ tomorrow, we’ll cancel the trip.
    a) rains
    b) rain
    c) raining

These activities cover a range of verb tenses and contexts, helping learners practice selecting the correct verb for each situation. Would you like me to generate more activities or make adjustments to these?

Activity 1: Simple Sentences (Beginner)

  1. Sarah b) walks to school every morning.
  2. They b) watched the movie last night.
  3. We a) will eat pizza for dinner tonight.
  4. The dog b) plays in the backyard.
  5. I b) do my homework after dinner.

Activity 2: Verb Tenses (Intermediate)

  1. By the time you arrive, we will have finished dinner.
  2. She always takes her coffee with sugar.
  3. Last summer, they traveled to France.
  4. I have been writing this report for two hours now.
  5. We haven't seen the movie yet.

Activity 3: Conditional Sentences (Advanced)

  1. If she had more time, she would finish the project.
  2. If I were you, I would accept the job offer.
  3. They would have arrived on time if they had left earlier.
  4. If we save enough money, we will buy a house next year.
  5. If it rains tomorrow, we’ll cancel the trip.


Here are more challenging activities for advanced learners. These exercises will require deeper knowledge of verb usage, tense, aspect, and mood.

Activity 1: Complex Sentences with Verb Forms

Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

  1. If I ___ (know) about the meeting earlier, I would have prepared a presentation.
    a) knew
    b) have known
    c) had known
  2. She wishes she ___ (spend) more time practicing before the recital.
    a) spent
    b) had spent
    c) spends
  3. By this time next week, they ___ (complete) the project for their client.
    a) will complete
    b) will have completed
    c) completed
  4. It’s crucial that he ___ (submit) the report before the deadline.
    a) submits
    b) submitted
    c) submit
  5. Had it not been for her quick thinking, the situation ___ (escalate).
    a) would have escalated
    b) will escalate
    c) escalated

Activity 2: Subjunctive Mood and Modals

Complete the sentence by choosing the correct verb.

  1. It is important that she ___ (be) present at the meeting.
    a) be
    b) is
    c) was
  2. They suggested that the document ___ (revise) before sending it to the client.
    a) revised
    b) be revised
    c) revising
  3. If only I ___ (can) turn back time, I would have made different decisions.
    a) can
    b) could
    c) would
  4. I propose that the committee ___ (meet) again next week to discuss further actions.
    a) meet
    b) meets
    c) met
  5. If he ___ (may) have considered the risks, he wouldn’t have made that investment.
    a) may
    b) might
    c) had

Activity 3: Mixed Conditional Sentences

Choose the correct verb to complete the mixed conditional sentence.

  1. If she ___ (pay) attention in class, she would know the answer now.
    a) paid
    b) had paid
    c) pays
  2. If they ___ (not/miss) the train, they would be here by now.
    a) didn’t miss
    b) wouldn’t miss
    c) hadn’t missed
  3. If you ___ (start) the project earlier, you wouldn’t be rushing to finish it now.
    a) start
    b) had started
    c) started
  4. Had I known about the sale, I ___ (buy) the laptop then, instead of paying full price now.
    a) would buy
    b) will buy
    c) would have bought
  5. If he ___ (exercise) regularly, he would feel healthier now.
    a) exercises
    b) exercised
    c) had exercised

Activity 4: Perfect and Continuous Tenses in Complex Sentences

Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses to complete each sentence.

  1. By the time she arrives, I ___ (work) for three hours straight.
    a) will have been working
    b) will work
    c) am working
  2. We ___ (discuss) the issue all morning, but we still haven’t reached a conclusion.
    a) have been discussing
    b) are discussing
    c) had discussed
  3. He ___ (wait) for her when she finally arrived.
    a) had been waiting
    b) was waiting
    c) is waiting
  4. When they get here, we ___ (already/finish) dinner.
    a) will have already finished
    b) already finished
    c) are finishing
  5. She ___ (study) French for five years when she moved to Paris.
    a) had studied
    b) was studying
    c) had been studying


Activity 1: Sentence Transformation (Advanced)

Transform the following sentences by changing the verb form as instructed.

  1. Change to past perfect:
    She writes a letter to her friend every week.
    → ______________________
  2. Change to future perfect continuous:
    They study English for two years.
    → ______________________
  3. Change to present subjunctive:
    He insists that she attends the meeting.
    → ______________________
  4. Change to third conditional:
    If she wakes up early, she will catch the bus.
    → ______________________
  5. Change to past continuous:
    I eat breakfast at 8 AM.
    → ______________________

Activity 2: Error Correction (Advanced)

Each sentence contains an error with the verb tense or form. Correct the error.

  1. She is been waiting here for over an hour.
    → ______________________
  2. If I was known about the party, I would have attended.
    → ______________________
  3. They had finish the project before the deadline.
    → ______________________
  4. By next year, we will has completed the building.
    → ______________________
  5. If she would have studied harder, she would pass the exam.
    → ______________________


Activity 1: Complex Sentences with Verb Forms

Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

  1. If I ___ (know) about the meeting earlier, I would have prepared a presentation.
    a) knew
    b) have known
    c) had known
  2. She wishes she ___ (spend) more time practicing before the recital.
    a) spent
    b) had spent
    c) spends
  3. By this time next week, they ___ (complete) the project for their client.
    a) will complete
    b) will have completed
    c) completed
  4. It’s crucial that he ___ (submit) the report before the deadline.
    a) submits
    b) submitted
    c) submit
  5. Had it not been for her quick thinking, the situation ___ (escalate).
    a) would have escalated
    b) will escalate
    c) escalated

Activity 2: Subjunctive Mood and Modals

Complete the sentence by choosing the correct verb.

  1. It is important that she ___ (be) present at the meeting.
    a) be
    b) is
    c) was
  2. They suggested that the document ___ (revise) before sending it to the client.
    a) revised
    b) be revised
    c) revising
  3. If only I ___ (can) turn back time, I would have made different decisions.
    a) can
    b) could
    c) would
  4. I propose that the committee ___ (meet) again next week to discuss further actions.
    a) meet
    b) meets
    c) met
  5. If he ___ (may) have considered the risks, he wouldn’t have made that investment.
    a) may
    b) might
    c) had

Activity 3: Mixed Conditional Sentences

Choose the correct verb to complete the mixed conditional sentence.

  1. If she ___ (pay) attention in class, she would know the answer now.
    a) paid
    b) had paid
    c) pays
  2. If they ___ (not/miss) the train, they would be here by now.
    a) didn’t miss
    b) wouldn’t miss
    c) hadn’t missed
  3. If you ___ (start) the project earlier, you wouldn’t be rushing to finish it now.
    a) start
    b) had started
    c) started
  4. Had I known about the sale, I ___ (buy) the laptop then, instead of paying full price now.
    a) would buy
    b) will buy
    c) would have bought
  5. If he ___ (exercise) regularly, he would feel healthier now.
    a) exercises
    b) exercised
    c) had exercised

Activity 4: Perfect and Continuous Tenses in Complex Sentences

Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses to complete each sentence.

  1. By the time she arrives, I ___ (work) for three hours straight.
    a) will have been working
    b) will work
    c) am working
  2. We ___ (discuss) the issue all morning, but we still haven’t reached a conclusion.
    a) have been discussing
    b) are discussing
    c) had discussed
  3. He ___ (wait) for her when she finally arrived.
    a) had been waiting
    b) was waiting
    c) is waiting
  4. When they get here, we ___ (already/finish) dinner.
    a) will have already finished
    b) already finished
    c) are finishing
  5. She ___ (study) French for five years when she moved to Paris.
    a) had studied
    b) was studying
    c) had been studying

Activity 1: Sentence Transformation (Advanced)

Transform the following sentences by changing the verb form as instructed.

  1. Change to past perfect:
    She writes a letter to her friend every week.
    She had written a letter to her friend every week.
  2. Change to future perfect continuous:
    They study English for two years.
    They will have been studying English for two years.
  3. Change to present subjunctive:
    He insists that she attends the meeting.
    He insists that she attend the meeting.
  4. Change to third conditional:
    If she wakes up early, she will catch the bus.
    If she had woken up early, she would have caught the bus.
  5. Change to past continuous:
    I eat breakfast at 8 AM.
    I was eating breakfast at 8 AM.

Activity 2: Error Correction (Advanced)

Each sentence contains an error with the verb tense or form. Correct the error.

  1. She is been waiting here for over an hour.
    She has been waiting here for over an hour.
  2. If I was known about the party, I would have attended.
    If I had known about the party, I would have attended.
  3. They had finish the project before the deadline.
    They had finished the project before the deadline.
  4. By next year, we will has completed the building.
    By next year, we will have completed the building.
  5. If she would have studied harder, she would pass the exam.
    If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.


Activity 3: Multiple Choice: Advanced Verb Tenses

Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence.

  1. By the end of the day, they ___ for 8 hours straight.
    a) will have been working
    b) worked
    c) work
  2. If she had known about the event, she ___ you earlier.
    a) calls
    b) would have called
    c) is calling
  3. He suggested that she ___ the documents immediately.
    a) to review
    b) reviewed
    c) review
  4. I wish I ___ more time to prepare for the meeting.
    a) had
    b) have
    c) will have
  5. By this time next year, she ___ in Paris for five years.
    a) is living
    b) will be living
    c) will have been living

Activity 4: Cloze Test (Advanced)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. If I ___ (see) him yesterday, I would have given him the documents.
  2. They insisted that the proposal ___ (be) revised before submission.
  3. By the time she arrives, we ___ (finish) dinner.
  4. I regret not ___ (take) the job offer last year.
  5. If it ___ (rain) tomorrow, we will cancel the event.

Activity 5: Matching Exercise

Match each sentence in Column A with the correct verb form in Column B.

Column A

Column B

1. If you had studied harder, ___.

a) you would have passed

2. By next week, ___.

b) he has completed the task

3. I wish I ___.

c) you will have been working for a month

4. He suggested that ___.

d) had known about the meeting earlier

5. I regret not ___.

e) could speak French fluently

Activity 1: Sentence Transformation (Advanced)

  1. Change to past perfect:
    She writes a letter to her friend every week.
    She had written a letter to her friend every week.
  2. Change to future perfect continuous:
    They study English for two years.
    They will have been studying English for two years.
  3. Change to present subjunctive:
    He insists that she attends the meeting.
    He insists that she attend the meeting.
  4. Change to third conditional:
    If she wakes up early, she will catch the bus.
    If she had woken up early, she would have caught the bus.
  5. Change to past continuous:
    I eat breakfast at 8 AM.
    I was eating breakfast at 8 AM.

Activity 2: Error Correction (Advanced)

  1. She is been waiting here for over an hour.
    She has been waiting here for over an hour.
  2. If I was known about the party, I would have attended.
    If I had known about the party, I would have attended.
  3. They had finish the project before the deadline.
    They had finished the project before the deadline.
  4. By next year, we will has completed the building.
    By next year, we will have completed the building.
  5. If she would have studied harder, she would pass the exam.
    If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.

Activity 3: Multiple Choice: Advanced Verb Tenses

  1. By the end of the day, they ___ for 8 hours straight.
    a) will have been working
    b) worked
    c) work
  2. If she had known about the event, she ___ you earlier.
    a) calls
    b) would have called
    c) is calling
  3. He suggested that she ___ the documents immediately.
    a) to review
    b) reviewed
    c) review
  4. I wish I ___ more time to prepare for the meeting.
    a) had
    b) have
    c) will have
  5. By this time next year, she ___ in Paris for five years.
    a) is living
    b) will be living
    c) will have been living

Activity 4: Cloze Test (Advanced)

  1. If I had seen him yesterday, I would have given him the documents.
  2. They insisted that the proposal be revised before submission.
  3. By the time she arrives, we will have finished dinner.
  4. I regret not taking the job offer last year.
  5. If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the event.

Activity 5: Matching Exercise

Column A

Column B

1. If you had studied harder, ___.

a) you would have passed

2. By next week, ___.

c) you will have been working for a month

3. I wish I ___.

e) could speak French fluently

4. He suggested that ___.

b) he has completed the task

5. I regret not ___.

d) had known about the meeting earlier
